• Why Today’s Foreclosure Numbers Won’t Trigger a Crash,Mary Palma

    Why Today’s Foreclosure Numbers Won’t Trigger a Crash

    With everything feeling more expensive these days, it’s natural to worry about how rising costs might impact the housing market. Many people are concerned that high prices and tighter budgets could cause more homeowners to fall behind on their mortgage payments, leading to a wave of foreclosures.

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  • Why did more people decide to sell their homes recently?,Mary Palma

    Why did more people decide to sell their homes recently?

    Homeowners typically slow down their moving plans as the summer months wrap up, and as a result, fewer homes are listed for sale in the fall. It’s a predictable, seasonal trend in real estate. But this year, mortgage rates came down at the same time the number of homes on the market usually start

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  • 90 Day to Homeowner Challenge! Starts in October!,Mary Palma

    90 Day to Homeowner Challenge! Starts in October!

    Ready to Become a Homeowner in 90 Days? The Challenge Starts NOW! Have you been dreaming of owning your own home but feel overwhelmed by the process? Are you ready to take concrete steps towards making that dream a reality? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, then I invite you to j

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